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Donate to Save Bees

How can I help save Honeybees?

Help us help save bees with a donation.

Your donation helps us to create safe apiaries and helpful tools to save honey bee colonies in the Washington, DC area.

All donations will be used to buy hive components, establish new apiaries, monitor bee health/treat pests and diseases, and feed rescued and new colonies until they get on their feet, among other activities meant to create strong, local honey bee populations.

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Help the DC Beekeepers Alliance

Billy is also involved with the DC Beekeepers Alliance, the beekeeping community of the Nation's Capital. Billy has led the group on a new project that builds and places swarm traps around the city. Safe, specially designed boxes attract honey bee swarms, giving them a secure location during a risky transition, before they move into unwanted areas.

The DC Beekeepers Alliance is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supporting the Washington, DC beekeeping community. Please consider a tax deductible donation!

Donate to DC Beekeepers Alliance

Any Questions?  Contact Us Now!

Help Us Save Bees